In our mission to be a safe church for seekers, we sometimes hear those attending say that they don't know who someone is. We want you to get to know the faces you see around AC3. We are starting with the Triad, and last time we introduced you to Sarah Ade. Next up, we have Rick Thiessen, our Senior Pastor.
- How I clear my mind after a challenging day:
- Advice to a person of faith dealing with a broken relationship with their church:
Don’t avoid the “Tunnel of Chaos”. Broken relationships tend to stay broken because we live with a tolerable amount of awkwardness and pain that we suppress. Moving past this means a temporary bump up in the pain and awkwardness as we approach rather than avoid the person, by committing to examine ourselves, and speak the hard truth in love. So that’s the “tunnel”. But as we all know about tunnels, there’s light on the other side!
- Change I’d like to see among Christians today:
- How I found my way to AC3:
- Advice I’d give to Younger Me:
- Gifting I most admire:
- 3 disciplines/habits that keep me connected to community:
- 3 disciplines/habits that keep me connected to God:
1. I prayer journal. Besides a regular time of prayer on my knees in the morning, I write out prayers and significant dreams and spiritual musings a few times a week. It helps both reveal and cement what the Holy Spirit is saying, doing or changing in me. 2. I read the Bible every morning when I walk the dog. I’m reading the Old Testament thru this year. 3. I take a once a year (or so) spiritual retreat. Usually three days, just me, my journal, a bible and a couple of books.
Questions: Secular-minded
- What book left a lasting impression on you?
- If you could eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Rick, wife-Johnna, sons-Joren and Jaden, daughters-in-law-Becca and Ariel |
- There is a zombie apocalypse...What is your weapon of choice?
- Beach or Mountains? Why?
- Favorite season? Why?
- What is your idea of a dream vacation?
- You have a day with NOTHING planned and no responsibilities! What do you do?
Lost in Space! (The Netflix version – Robbie’s robot has changed!)
- Morning person or night owl?
- What is your favorite sport to watch? Team to follow?
- You can only listen to the same song OR watch the same movie for the rest of your life. What do you choose?
- What are your top 3 hobbies?
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