In our mission to be a safe church for seekers, we sometimes hear those attending say that they don't know who someone is. We want you to get to know the faces you see around AC3 . We are starting with the Triad, and last time we introduced you to Twila Crain. Next up, we have Sarah Ade, who is our Office Administrator and is involved with our Youth Ministry and on the Drama Team in addition to serving in other areas.
Questions: Spiritually-minded
- How I clear my mind after a challenging day:
Talk to God or talk to people, sometimes both.
- Advice to a person of faith dealing with a broken relationship with their church:
Don’t run away from it. The pain will just follow you wherever you go. The best thing you can do is to be the peacemaker, even if it’s not your fault, even if you really don’t want to, even if you really, REALLY don’t want to. If you do EVERYTHING you can to make it right, then either things will be made right, or you will have the higher ground and know that you did everything you could.
- Moment I saw significant change in my servant life:
I was reading through Hebrews (I LOVE Hebrews!) and I got to what many people call the Hall of Faith (Hebrews 11). And as I was reading this list of people who were of great service to God I started to realize that they were just regular people. At the same time that I was reading through this, the church did a series called Step into the Story, and I was one of the actors. I played a variety of Old Testament characters, many of them mentioned in the Hall of Faith that I was reading through. It hit me like a ton of bricks, the biggest aha moment: God uses regular people to do extraordinary things, and I’m a regular person.
- How I found my way to AC3:
I came to AC3 during a season of hurt from a previous church. I was desperate for friendship and human connection. My brother already attended AC3 and I knew he liked his friends so I came here in an attempt to steal them away from him. (Plan worked, his friends are my friends now!)
- Advice I’d give to Younger Me:
Pay attention!
Giving. I know we typically look at this gifting as mostly financial givers, but really they’re just people who say yes. I appreciate the confidence in that, the self-sacrifice in that, and the faith of it all is just kinda inspiring.
- What I tell others about serving:
Do it!
- 3 disciplines/habits that keep me connected to community:
Serving, intentionally inviting people – even when I’m feeling uninvited myself, and doing things you don’t want to do
- 3 disciplines/habits that keep me connected to God:
Journaling my prayers, reading, not just my bible, but faith-inspired books too, and talking with my closest friends that hold me accountable to God’s plans.
Questions: Secular-minded
Sarah, her sister, Anna, and brother, Tim |
- If you could eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Carrot cake! (Carrots are a vegetable, raisins are a fruit, and walnuts are a protein source, it’s really a completely balanced meal if you think about it…)
- There is a zombie apocalypse...What is your weapon of choice?
Yes. Wonder Woman is my favorite superhero, and she is DC, but overall I would probably prefer Marvel.
Beaches. Because mountains just sound like so much work.
Season 3 of the second Dr
Who series, because
David Tennant and Catherine Tate. (Fall because I love the rain…)
- What is your idea of a dream vacation?
Some place with a pool and shopping and in walking distance of tacos
- You have a day with NOTHING planned and no responsibilities! What do you do?
Eat cookie dough and watch TV.
- What is the last thing you binge-watched?
Probably ER or Grey’s Anatomy
- Morning person or night owl?
Permanently exhausted pigeon.
- Best advice I’ve ever gotten:
Always pack extra socks and underwear.
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