Monday, September 23, 2019

Morph/RELIC Parent Preview (9/24 & 9/25)

Hey Parents! 

It’s the last week to do the Vital Church input form! If you haven’t heard, we are trying to evaluate here at AC3. We want to ALWAYS being evaluating, growing and doing things the best that we can. 

The goal is to have EVERY AC3 attender, high school and above, fill out a survey. 

 It takes about 30 minutes to fill out, so I know its a big ask. BUT, we NEED your help. 
Would you PLEASE help us by filling out this input form? 
And if you have a high school student, please have your them fill it out! It needs to be filled out THIS WEEK.

Also, their team will be paying a visit to AC3 later this fall to interview staff, key leaders, and a representative cross section of AC3’s congregation as well as observe our ministries in action, tour our facility, and the community. We’ll do our best to keep you informed!

Here is the parent preview for this week:

(6th - 8th grade)
At youth group each week, we play games, we eat food, we hang out. These students have a true community here. And we teach about Jesus. RELIC is here so that your student has a safe and fun place to investigate this whole Christianity/Church thing and so that they have a community to call their own. 
(9th - 12th grade)
Morph meets every Tuesday from 6pm-8pm. Morph is short for Metamorphosis. By Definition, Metamorphosis is: "a change of the form or nature of a thing or person into a completely different one, by natural or supernatural means. 

When someone so amazing, so powerful, and so incredible as the person of Jesus Christ comes into our lives, we are transformed into NEW creations (2 Corinthians 5:17). At youth group each week, we play games, we eat food, we hang out. These students have a true community here. And we teach about Jesus. We talk about how he has transformed our lives and ask the question, how then should we be different? 

Creek Espresso is OPEN this week from 5-6:15. 

Send your students early to hang out, do homework or play foursquare in the parking lot! If you can, give your kiddo a few $$$ to pick up an Italian soda, a tea, or a cup of hot chocolate and this week they’ll have SNACKS! The Espresso stand will be open every other week for the Fall. 

Snacks - Just a reminder, we are on a bit of a spending freeze at church so our snacks for the month of September will be limited and mostly sugary… We’ve always encouraged students to not use our snack as their substitute for dinner, so please feed them before they come. 

Mixing up Small Groups - We will meet in small groups at the beginning of group. Mixing it up again this week. We will do this a couple times over the next few weeks and then solidify those groups starting in October.

Hang time and Game Time - Brandon’s back this week and fired up to do some fun new games!

We are continuing our teaching series called “What do you think?”
During the pause, our leader team took some time to learn about this next Generation, Gen-Z. We learned lots of amazing things about these students and their peers, but we want to know more! We want to know OUR students, the students of RELIC and Morph. This week we will be looking at the issue of loneliness. This is an issue Gen Z specifically struggles with, more so than other generations. So we want to ask the question, "why?" and help students discover how they can combat loneliness in their own lives.

Announcements! Announcements! Announcements!

  • Sunday Morning Class starting up! We are FINALLY adding a sunday morning class for Jr. High and High School during our 10:30 service starting the 1st weekend in October. It’ll be in the conference room. Bring your bible! 
  • Contact Cards! Last week of our contact cards, trying to get each student to fill one out. 
  • Social Media! Have you liked us, friended us, followed us, tweeted us, hashtagged us, snapped us, insta-ed us? We are ALL over social media, we have all the things! SO, find us and follow us, like us or whatever else you need to do. Search RELIC, Morph, or RELIC.ac3, Morph.ac3. 

That’s it for this week! Hope to see you there and don't forget to invite a friend!


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