Monday, September 9, 2019

Morph Parent Preview (Week of Sept. 10)

Hey Parents!

We hope you had a great summer and that the transition back into school schedule hasn’t been too rocky for you! 
We are SO excited to be back at Youth Group this week. We’ve got a lot of fun things planned for this next year and we’re excited to have you and your student along for the ride!

The Parent Preview is simply a sneak peak into what we are doing at youth group each week.

Parenting a teenager takes a lot of hard work, we know that! We want you to have all the information you need and we want to remind you that we are available to you as a resource, any time. We are praying for you and your student as you enter the new school year. 

Now I know time is a precious commodity so lets just get down to business here. Here is what’s happening this week at Morph, as well as some up and coming events and announcements.

Morph meets every Tuesday from 6pm-8pm. Morph is short for Metamorphosis. By Definition, Metamorphosis is:"a change of the form or nature of a thing or person into a completely different one, by natural or supernatural means.
When someone so amazing, so powerful, and so incredible as the person of Jesus Christ comes into our lives, we are transformed into NEW creations (2 Corinthians 5:17). So at youth group each week, we play games, we eat food, we hang out. These students have a true community here. And we teach about Jesus. We talk about how he has transformed our lives and ask the question, how then should we be different? 

Morph has the same core mission as AC3, we want your student (and every student) to have a safe and fun place to investigate this whole Christianity/Church thing. We hope that when they seek, they will find the kind, gentle, amazing God we know and love.

Creek Espresso will be Open this week from 5-6:15. Youth group doesn’t start until 6 but the lobby will be open and we’d encourage students to come early to hang out, do homework or play foursquare in the parking lot! Send your student with a few bucks to pick up an Italian soda, a coffee, or a cup of hot chocolate. The Espresso stand will be open every other week for the Fall. 

Mixing up Small Groups- We will meet in small groups at the beginning of group. However, in the interest of growing in our relationships with each other, we’ll be changing up who’s in which group.We will do this a couple times over the next few weeks and then solidify those groups starting in October.

Hang time and Game Time - Did you know that having fun together builds and grows relationships? That is one of the reasons we play games. We know games come easy to some and not so easy to others so we try to plan a variety of games that everyone will enjoy. 

We begin the new year with a new teaching series called 
“What do you think?”

During the pause, our leader team took some time to learn about this next Generation, Gen-Z. We learned lots of amazing things about these students and their peers, but we want to know more! We want to know OUR students, the students of Morph. What makes them tick? What are they passionate about? What things overwhelm them? How do they connect with their community? How do they keep it real? So each week we’ll be tackling a different question and really just having a big discussion about it. We’re excited to hear from the students and learn more about them! This series will help us develop future teaching series and it will help students identify what they have in common with one another. 

Announcements! Announcements! Announcements!
Lots of exciting things are happening at youth group! It’s the first week back so there are quite a few announcements!

  • DA BUS!!!! During the pause we got a bus!!! You can see it parked out in the parking lot this week. We’ll eventually have a “naming competition” and perhaps even a design competition for a logo! For now we’re calling it “DAAAAAA BUS!!”
  • CAMP! Wait what… didn’t we just have camp in May….? Why are we talking about camp again….? Well folks, we thought it would be a blast to try something new this year and do a WINTER CAMP. Ya know, with the snow and the sledding and the cozy fireplace and all that fun winter stuff. Tentatively we are planning for February so stay tuned for details!! 
  • Car Wash! In preparation for camp, we’d like to do a car wash fundraiser at the end of September. This will just be a one and done fundraiser. All the funds raised will go towards winter camp (Which is a few short months away) We’re hoping as many students will show up as possible and we’re PRAYING for good weather. Mark your calendars for September 28th!
  • Creek Espresso! Just want to remind the students to show up early and hang out. Creek Espresso will be open every other week from 5-6:15.
  • Contact Cards! We will ask each student to fill out a new contact card this week.
  • Social Media! Have you liked us, friended us, followed us, tweeted us, hashtagged us, snapped us, insta-ed us? We are ALL over social media, we have all the things! SO, find us and follow us, like us or whatever else you need to do. Search Morph or Morph.ac3.

Alright that’s it…. I think… do you feel like you need a nap? That was a lot of info! We are SO appreciative of you taking the time to read it all. It makes our jobs easier and honestly, I think it makes your jobs easier as parents. 

We love you guys! Can’t wait to see you and and your student's face this week. 


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