As a youngster, my parents did the best they could. Seriously, they did. They understood only too well that their youngest child (yours truly) was full of rebellion and a fighting spirit. “If only we could channel that fighting spirit for good”, I’m sure was a recurring thought in their minds. So, they did what I’m sure all Christian parents do; they tried to turn me to God at an early age. In my teenage years, I rebelled against that, too.
It took God a mere 20 years to bring me back to Him in the Spring of 2009. An investigative mind (who am I kidding? I’m a nerd) led me down a path in search of Truth which in my 30s I already recognized was an external thing. I landed an engineering job that was dependent on that fact; that my opinion of a thing doesn’t change a thing. Truth is an abstract thing that exists outside of myself. One morning on a Wednesday in March of 2009 while reading the Gospel of John I saw a man declare himself to BE the Truth. The embodiment of Truth. That amongst other things resonated powerfully with my journey and after the declaration in John 10:28 that no one can be taken out of His hand it became clear that though I had left Him, He had never left me. That very moment in the bathtub while reading the Gospel of John, I uttered the words “I’m Yours. Save me.” I was saved in that moment, brought back into the fold. Plus, since I was in the bath at the time it was a free instantaneous baptism, so bonus!!
A few years later my family and I walked through the doors of AC3, and have been rooted here ever since. Early in my Christian walk, I asked God where He wanted me to go to church. I never got an answer. At some point in those first couple of years attending AC3, a sermon was preached about the local church and what it’s supposed to be. During that sermon, sitting in the audience I asked God this time “Where do you want me to serve?” The answer was clear, and we’ve been serving at AC3 whenever we can, going forward with the gifts we have. This next season I’m honored to be serving as an Elder at AC3. Like any other endeavor I land myself in, I’m committed to serving the church body as best I can, with whatever gifts I have now and Lord willing, with the gifts He will grow over time.
I’m a husband, married to my lovely wife Fedra, coming up on our 14th anniversary. I still have friends at work that can’t believe I managed to successfully date, let alone get married. I guess I understand. It surprises me sometimes, too! We live in Marysville with our two children and my mother-in-law (Rocio), Matias, aged 7 and Gabi, aged 4. My boy Matias is a sweet soul, and a good friend. Gabi is every bit the fighter and fierce little bobcat that God said she would be before she was born. My God is a God that starts things with the end in mind, so I chuckle at the thought that a recurring conversation between Fedra and me is “If only we could channel those fighting spirits for good”.
Thank you, AC3. We’re looking forward to serving you, and doing this thing called the Jesus life with all its messy beauty, together.
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