As you may know, we recently had our annual business meeting after the service on June 9th. We realize not everyone was able to attend, so here is a summation of the things we discussed so you, too, can be in the know.
In regard to the Elders, Shea and Lori Caperoon have stepped off for this year and we welcomed new elder James Boerner, who was voted in during the meeting. Each year, the elders go on a spring retreat and pray and decide whether or not to let their names stand for the vote for another year, or whether to remove their name from the vote for family, ministry or other reasons. Then we decide if we need to open up the elder nomination process and possibly add a new member or two to the team. This changeover happens at the annual meeting. Welcome James!
Speaking of new people being added, there are a few more that have taken on roles going forward into the next year. Braeden Crain has been faithfully serving as our Youth Pastor on a part-time basis. Because of the need, and because of your faithful giving, we were able to bump her up to full time beginning in September. We are very excited about this! B has been building the youth ministry in such powerful and legacy building ways. Thank you, Braeden!
We have added the volunteer position of Small Group Coordinator. This position will actually be a team of two: Jaime Dodds and Sarah Ade. They will be active in equipping people to lead or small groups, coach new leaders, help groups to craft guidelines, and provide helpful information for anyone who has wanted to lead or join a small group. This is right in line with our values of Grouping and Growing, and building relationships. Welcome Jaime and Sarah!
We have also added the volunteer position of Care Team Coordinator. Michelle Daniels is filling this need for us, and we are so happy about this! What is the Care Team? If someone in our midst ends up with a need, such as a surgery or illness, normally their small group would contact them and help coordinate meal delivery, rides, housecleaning…whatever is needed. But we realize that sometimes a person has not yet connected to a small group, or their particular group cannot meet all of the needs. They can now contact Michelle, and she will contact people on her team to see who is able to meet that need. Having a coordinator will help us make sure that no one falls through the cracks, or that we don’t end up duplicating services that aren’t needed. If you wish to be a member of this team, please complete the form on this page There is no pressure on this team; if you are unable to fill the need she is requesting, simply let her know and she will move on to the next person. It’s a wonderful way to serve and to get to know others in your church body.
In other matters, AC3 has a new mobile app. You can now download and use this app to find services times and directions, give your tithes and offerings, take Applications classes, access sermon audio files and more. To get the app, go to your mobile app store and down load Church Center App.
It has been ten years since we last undertook the big job of researching our local church body and our unchurched community to see how we are doing in reaching people. So, as in the past, we are going to survey people and our community, and evaluate ourselves. One of the ways we can do that more easily and objectively is to potentially pay an outside company to conduct interviews, find common themes and boil them down so we can have solid recommendations. The Elders have approved this, and the Board will crunch the numbers. If there is room in the budget, we believe this will be money well-spent to further our Kingdom work in the best way, reaching those who need Jesus the most.
Applications, our discipleship and growing program, is now online! Yes, you can receive all the Biblical teaching and tools for growth from your very own home. You can access this content here: As you complete the levels under each topic, you will have a chance to request a log-in and access materials for going deeper into the learning, with online and in-person participation. Visit the site and watch the introduction video for more information. And a big SHOUTOUT to Dan Hazen for completing this huge task and accomplishment, and his team of volunteers who helped to make this happen.
We voted in the new operating budget for the 2019-2020 fiscal year. We are an open book operation, so if you’d like a copy of the budget, please request a copy from the church office.
Lastly, a couple of good questions were asked by attenders. Although the turnout for the annual meeting was strong, some felt as though people who were not members were being excluded, and that perhaps not enough of an effort was being made to get them into membership. Just so everyone is aware, ALL people are welcome to come to the meeting. No one is excluded from attendance. We do our best to get the word out in our announcements and social media for anyone who wants to be there. So at our next meeting, feel free to invite everyone who would be interested to attend. They can ask questions, bring up ideas, and be heard.
The only thing that requires membership during the meeting is the actual vote on the budget and the voting in of elders. To become a member, you simply sign up for one of the AC3 Mission classes throughout the year. Here you will know who we are and why we do what we do. That way you know what you are joining! Membership at AC3 also requires baptism. We feel that is an important part of declaring your desire to follow Jesus, and continue to follow him throughout your life. After that, a brief one-on-one interview with one of the elders so you get the opportunity to tell your story and how you came to faith. That’s it. Then you are welcomed into membership, and have all the voting rights you want. If you are deciding about membership, please don’t let that stop you from participating in all of the business meetings, small groups, classes and fellowship opportunities we offer.
Another concern raised was to make sure we don’t forget about the Saturday night services when we are having our meeting. We agree! That is why several years ago we started having semi-annual meetings after the Saturday night service. One reason is because we felt a whole year without an update on the status of our church, budget, and operations was too long. Another reason is because we wanted to include Saturday night people in all the goings on in our church. And finally, it lets us welcome new members more often than once a year. You are always welcome to attend any service, any class, and every business meeting we have. And as you each have been specially gifted by God to further his kingdom, please know there are many volunteer opportunities where you can walk beside someone and get your gifts in the game. AC3 needs you. AC3 is you. We are all a part of the larger body of Christ, and you belong!
Ephesians 4:4-6
4 We are all parts of one body, we have the same Spirit, and we have all been called to the same glorious future. 5 For us there is only one Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 and we all have the same God and Father who is over us all and in us all, and living through every part of us.
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