In our mission to be a safe church for seekers, we sometimes hear those attending say that they don't know who someone is. We want you to get to know the faces you see around AC3. We are starting with the Triad, and last time we introduced you to Rick Thiessen. Next up, we have Braeden Crain, our Youth Director.
- How I clear my mind after a challenging day:
- Advice to a person of faith dealing with a broken relationship with their church:
Braeden and her husband, Brandon |
- When I declared I was going to walk along with God, instead of away from him:
I was seven years old, sitting next to my dad in church. I have a Bible that I wrote down my commitment to him. Pretty cool to be able to look back on that and see the faith I had as a young child. Helps me remember what my faith should look like today.
- Change I’d like to see among Christians today:
- Moment I saw significant change in my servant life:
My first global leadership summit I ever attended I heard a women speak who completely changed the way I look at service. Mother Maggie was her name. It’s hard to describe the impact she had on me, if you weren’t there. I don’t know if you’ve ever been in the presence of someone who radiates Christ… When she walked up to speak the whole room was silent and you could just feel it… I felt like it would be similar to being in the room with Mother Teresa. Anyways after she was done speaking I came away thinking “With all that Jesus has done for me, why would I not give him every ounce of everything I have? Every minute, every ounce of energy, every dollar, why would I not give it to him?” And since then that has been my motto.
- How I found my way to AC3:
- Advice I’d give to Younger Me:
- Gifting I most admire:
- Favorite serving experience:
I love Love LOVE serving in all the areas I currently serve. But probably my favorite experience ever was doing lights and building sets for some of our bigger shows like Imagine Christmas. It was just an absolute blast.
- What I tell others about serving:
I don’t know that I tell people things… but I guess if someone were to ask me “hey, tell me about serving” I’d say something like…: Serving requires a constant examination of your heart and motives. If you can get that in the right place and serve for the right reasons, you will grow more in your walk with Christ then you ever would just sitting in a chair listening to a sermon. (No offense to the awesome people who teach sermons…)
- 3 disciplines/habits that keep me connected to community:
- 3 disciplines/habits that keep me connected to God:
Questions: Secular-minded
- What book left a lasting impression on you?
- If you could eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
- There is a zombie apocalypse...What is your weapon of choice?
- What is your dream vacation?
- You have a day with NOTHING planned and no responsibilities! What do you do?
- What is the last thing you binge-watched?
- What is your favorite sport to watch? Team to follow?
- You can only listen to the same song OR watch the same movie for the rest of your life. What do you choose?
- What are your top 3 hobbies?
Is being a mom a hobby? I feel like that counts as 3.
I like my dog, is that a hobby?
Or running… but that’s more just cause I wanna be healthy and not lose my toes due to necrosis.
I like my dog, is that a hobby?
Or running… but that’s more just cause I wanna be healthy and not lose my toes due to necrosis.
Or maybe it's sarcasm. That’s it. Sarcasm’s my hobby.
- Marvel or DC?
- Favorite season? Why?
- Beach or Mountains? Why?
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