2017 was a BIG year in my household! After a couple of years of repeating myself, raising my voice volume level by about 3 decibels (I’m not even sure if that’s allot but I’m sure you get what I mean), cranking up the volume on the TV, my hubby Tom agreed to get his hearing tested. Sure enough, he’s suffered a significant hearing loss in both ears. What a relief it was to BOTH of us when the hearing aids came home, were tweaked and NOW the man can HEAR again! Seriously! Talk about a quality-of-life improvement – for BOTH of us!
Yes, TOM experienced some frustration because usually by the time he actually HEARD me say something, the pitch of my voice had surpassed ‘irritated’. But I was also frustrated! I had important stuff to say and / or ask but I wasn’t getting through to the man! F.I.N.A.L.L.Y! THAT little household irritation is gone (for the most part).
Wouldn’t it be neat if we could simply put a hearing aid in our ear that would allow us to sortof‘put our ear to God’s lips’ and know exactly what He’s saying to us? Those subtle messages that we wonder, ‘hmmm, could He be asking ME to do THAT?’ or ‘is doing this outside God’s will for my life?’ wouldn’t have to be pondered anymore because we’d KNOW the voice of God when we hear it! In John 10 Jesus says this: “My sheep hear my voice and I know them….” Well, I don’t know about you, dear sisters, but I want to KNOW the voice of my Shepherd and I want HIM to know ME!
If actually hearing the voice of God has seemed like some kind of magic which you’re not privy to or a special gift which you don’t have, you’re in good company! I imagine most of us have felt that way. Thankfully, God has given us some great tips when it comes to hearing His voice (because just like I wanted Tom to hear me, TOM WANTED to hear me!)
This year’s Women’s Forum is entitled “Discerning The Voice Of God”. It’s presented in video format by Priscilla Schirer. (Remember Priscilla? She presented The Armor of God at our last Forum.) Here’s what Priscilla will teach:
• More deeply understand the Holy Spirit’s role in your life
• Differentiate His voice from imposters’ voices, even from your own
• Glimpse His guidance in your everyday life
• Grow consistently in obedience, surrender, stillness, and humility.
That’s NOT MAGIC, ladies! That’s what God promises to each of us! HE wants to be HEARD, to make Himself known to us! I long for that – how about you?
Join a bunch of other fun, friendly, shy, scared, beautiful gals for six Mondays, beginning January 22 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in AC3’s auditorium! If you’re interested in doing the daily lessons, go to LifeWay.com and order a book.
Wish you could HEAR a drumroll right now! Guess what?! There’s CHILDCARE THIS YEAR! If you plan to bring your ‘littles’, please contact Jaime Dodds (jrdodds302@gmail.com) – she’ll make sure we have enough childcare to accommodate all. (This ‘service’ is a ‘pay as you can’ opportunity – we DON’T want lack of childcare to be a hindrance to your attendance!)
If you have questions, please contact me, Deb Jarnagin at djprov5512@gmail.com or 425-330-6614!
Hi Deb and all the women of AC3, thanks so much for this post. I'm also one of those who is always trying to discern Gods voice over mine. And i'm really looking forward to this Forum study. I will not be able to attend for the most part but i'm going to follow along with you all and watch the videos even if I have to pay for them. :D I really like Priscilla Schirer so looking forward to her teaching. Hope to make some of the meetings too. If it is ok I would like to post any thoughts as I go through the study here on this page, with hopes of interacting with some of you all who are able to attend all the meeting. Let me know if that is ok. I have a feeling this is gonna be great. :D Thanks Jan