Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Meet Kathy!

Meet Kathy.

She is not just the smiling face behind the counter at Creek Espresso, she manages the whole operation, trains and leads the baristas, buys ingredients, manages the till AND she represents a milestone in AC3’s long running Community Center plan…

How you ask?

Lemme ‘splain.

When the Community Center vision first emerged almost 8 years ago, central to the concept was that it be a self-supporting ministry. In other words the cost of the activities undertaken by the Community Center should be paid for with money earned by the Community Center. We imagined rental income from various community groups which used our buildings, we talked about a furniture manufacturing company that would double as a job training program, and other ideas were floated and tried.

We call this concept: B.A.M. (Business As Mission) and the purpose is to create a revenue stream while serving the community and that revenue stream is invested in other Community Center Programs. As of today – under the B.A.M. banner we have:

The Marysville Farmer’s Market (beginning it’s second season on June 4th!).  The first year of the market was great. But being a brand new endeavor – we’re still investing money from last year’s market into making this year even better.

Creek Espresso. Every weekend, (and some weekdays!) Kathy and her other volunteers man the steam wand and the bean grinder turning out lattes and Italian sodas for AC3’rs and visitors. Quietly, at the rate of a couple of bucks / drink, Creek Espresso has put almost $1,300.00 into the Community Center bank!

Here’s the milestone: There is enough “profit” from Creek Espresso that we can, for the first time, use that money to help fund a Community Center project!

A portion of those Creek Espresso “profits” will be used to support the Market Mentor’s Program this summer! Last year, Market Mentors was funded almost entirely by funds from Seeds of Grace (AC3’s benevolence ministry). But this year we see the first step toward a Community Center Program being funded by a Community Center Program!


Thanks Kathy for you and your team!

Thanks B.A.M. Board for overseeing this loooong process!

Thanks Farmer's Market Team...GO GET 'EM this summer!

Thanks coffee drinkers at AC3! Keep it up J

Does this stuff get you excited? (then you’re what we call a ministry nerd) but ALSO you can get involved!          

Creek Espresso is always looking for more help!
Contact Kathy: kathha@hotmail.com

Marysville Farmer’s Market WANTS YOU! Lots of cool stuff to do!

Market Mentors could your expertise in sales, management, customer service and more!
Contact Twila: twila@ac3.org

B.A.M. Board / Community Center – interested in finding out more about ANY of this?
Contact Dan: danxp.ac3@gmail.com

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