This blog post was inspired by a recent yet very simple Facebook post by my daughter-in-law Amanda below. It reflects a simple compassion story of handing out their SOG homeless bag to someone with my first grandson Jonah, five years old.
- When you see a body of believers embrace a 'No One Fights Alone' attitude and actively join a family's battle against cancer, you are reminded that life on this earth is short. I will live life fully with eternity in mind.
- When you witness Seeds of Grace volunteers choosing to walk beside those on the fringe of society and offering them real friendship, you are reminded that 'things' are 'just things'. I will live life on purpose and in relationship with those that God brings into my life.
- When you watch a group of bikers provide an atmosphere of recovery and recreation for those fighting drug addictions with opportunities to 'give back' to their community, you experience hope (SOG was the recipient of their food and toy drives this holiday season). I will live life with hope, knowing that everyone can 'be changed' and 'make change' in the lives of others.
- When you watch a group of preschoolers participate in compassion by creating homeless bags to give someone in need or on a street corner this holiday season, it becomes clear that everyone is called to serve. I will live life serving others, doing my best to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
A few Facebook comments:"Finally got to give our Seeds of Grace bag that Jonah put together in preschool to someone in need. Jonah was scared at first but I took the opportunity to explain to him that helping people is not always easy. It's easier to just keep walking. We gave the man our bag of goodies, said Merry Christmas and it was done. Then Jonah started asking questions on the ride home about where that man slept, etc.
Another opportunity to talk about how Jesus calls us to help others and about being grateful. Then it turned to talking about the best, final home we have to look forward to (heaven) and what we are called to do here on earth until we are called home. Love God, Love each other and Love the lost.
Amazing moment with Jonah... I could see the wheels turning in his head. I pray he has a heart of compassion that leads to action and boldness to do God's will even when it's scary." - A :)
"Ever since the day they made them and we gave it away the same day, we've been finding more and more opportunities to help people out, even if it's just a bottle of water! I LOVE what God is doing in MY heart by giving me a kid to raise I'm so excited for you to have had such a deep conversation!! SUPER cool!"
"Way to go!! Proud of you guys. Love that you told him "it's not always easy."
"Great teaching moment!"
"I love witnessing God doing work!"
"Beautiful! Thanx for SHARING with us the opportunity you took to be Jesus to someone...and to teach Jonah what that looks like! Merry Christmas!"
As we head into the new year, let us not forget that compassion is not always easy but it is to be a very real part of every Christ followers lives. Let's live out compassion with action and boldness with fresh awareness, even when it's scary!
Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13.
I love how we are teaching our children what it means to love those who are struggling and to partner with our homeless community and not be fearful. Way to go AC3, Prepare the Way Preschool & Seeds of Grace for partnering with one another to make a difference in our community!