Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Monday, December 14, 2015

The Armor of God

Well, it happened again.  Someone recommended something to me (in this case a recipe), telling me how wonderful it is, how much I’d love it.  I tried it and, meah, pft…I’m not so crazy about it.  I was left disappointed, wondering if I should ever trust this person’s opinion again. (It was my sister.  I’ll trust her again!)  Has that ever happened to you?  Someone promises “great things”, “amazing results” or at the very least “a great tastebud hit”, you take their recommendation and are sadly let down? Yeah?  Well, I call what that someone did ‘over-selling’.  And though I really try not to build something up too much at the risk of over-selling – and though I’m risking over-selling now – I simply MUST highly recommend this winter’s Women’s Forum!!  Because I’m convinced what you’ll learn has the potential to change your life.
Here are some of the details:  For seven Mondays, beginning January 11, 2016, we’ll be sharing space as video presenter Priscilla Shirer brings us the study called The Armor of God.  We’ll enjoy some of the typical Forum shenanigans (The Purse Game, door prizes, yummy snacks, discussion time, etc.) from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.  There is a great ‘listeners’ guide’ which will be distributed each week BUT for the first time ever, we’re strongly recommending participants do the daily work presented in the Bible Study Book also.  (Available at Amazon for about $20).  Unfortunately, we don’t have the budget to fund the purchase of these books for everyone, but if your budget allows consider this a great investment.  (Doing the daily work is NOT required – no one will ever know if you do or do not purchase the book.)
I’ve previewed every video session (there are 7) and I am inspired…motivated…compelled to view my enemy in a different way; the armor as not an option, and the victory is secure when I suit up!  I’ve heard about doing battle against the enemy, putting on ‘the armor’, many times.  In fact, I’ve been part of a presentation at Visioncast where this information was shared.  However, in this year’s Women’s Forum video series, I believe the Holy Spirit will work in your life (as He continues to do in mine) to use this material to make a difference!  And I DON’T believe this is an over-sell .
We’ll be set up in the auditorium – as has been our norm in years past.  If you’ve attended before, please consider yourself SO welcome!  If you’ve NEVER ATTENDED a Women’s Forum, please consider this a great expenditure of your time.  The Leadership Team will do all we can to welcome you.  If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me.  Deb Jarnagin:  djprov5512@gmail.com or 425-330-6614.
As I’m typing this, many of your faces spring to mind.  Some of you have attended Women’s Forums before.  If you’re in this category, I hope you’ll attend THIS one – if nothing else, just to see if I’ve over-sold it .  If you have NOT attended before, I encourage you to give it a try.  Because, ladies, if EVER we as women specifically, human beings in general, find ourselves in a battle, IT. IS. NOW.  We all know it – violence all around us, moral decline and decay threatening our culture, our families, our lifestyle, our religious freedom and most importantly our spiritual health and well-being.  If EVER we’ve needed to be ‘armed’ and ready to fight for our lives IT. IS. NOW.  If EVER we need to understand what it means to stand against the spirit of darkness, the forces of evil, IT. IS NOW.
So my encouragement to you is this:  as you consider attending this year’s Women’s Forum, hold your expectations about what you’ll experience loosely if you must (‘Will they be ready for me? Will I feel welcome? Will they have the kind of snacks I like?’ etc.) But DO come expecting GREAT THINGS from our God.  When we consider His Word – the promises therein, the life-change promised, His love for His children – is there really such a thing as ‘over-selling’?!  
I hope you can join us!  Blessings!

Friday, December 11, 2015


It's come over me several times now since November 16 (the beginning of Celtic Advent - 40 Days from Christmas): That now familiar and welcome sense of anticipation.

As a child I felt it every year too, but exclusively related to presents: anticipating getting stuff.

As a young, non-Christian adult it disappeared. One no longer gets the "good stuff". The wonder and joy is reserved for either the naive or the deluded. What's to anticipate? Traffic, Debt. Un-met family expectations...

But then, within a few years after becoming a Christian - I was surprised to feel that sesnation of excitement return in early December. But it was different. It was quieter and yet more intense. It was now centered on celebrating the key turning point in the story of....Everything...

It began...in the begining. Creation = good and pure. The Conflict came and the Fall corrupted it all. Could there be any hope? For countless eons, the struggle ensued....until....the begining of the happy ending arrived in the form of a human baby.

Just the beginning of the end, mind you, but that's why there is so much anticipation...we know how the story is going to end! Joy and Goodness and Peace and Love win!

Friends, we are in the midst of a Happy Ending Story! Christmas is the promise of that, the deposit, the down payment on the Happy Ending of all Happy Endings!

I remember the hours leading up the births of both of my daughters. They were several years apart, in different buildings, different seasons, with different people present, but each moment contained that deep quiet possibility. Both were moments of promise, of anticipation, mixed with pain, with some anxiety, yes - but that HOPE which permeated it all...

New life does that.

Welcome to the middle of the End of the Greatest Happy Ending ever...

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

AC3 VB96 What's Our Action?

Hello everyone! Check out this weeks video blog as Rick and Dan discuss what our action is, biblically, when it comes to the refugees and other current news topics. Enjoy! :)

Friday, December 4, 2015